Social Apps - Google

Posted on 2022-04-09

Creating Google App

Note: You don’t need Google approval for your app to work

Login into Google console

* First you will need to go to Google Developers Console and Login using your Google account.

* Where you are not registered on Google developer account, then you need to accept check the terms of service box.

* Click on Agree and Continue

Click on “Create Project”

Click on “OAuth consent screen”

Under “User Type” Check;

* External

* Click on “Create”

On OAuth client id creation screen

* Give your App a name

* Upload your logo

* Enter your custom domain

* Save

Click on “Credentials”

Click on “Create Credentials”

From the dropdown select “Web Application”

Give your App a name;

* Enter your Authorized JavaScript origins URL which should be your custom domain

* Enter your Authorized redirect or callback URL which should


2. https://yourcustomdomain/callback/google

* Click to create

Copy your Google App Client ID and Client Secret to your MoxiLead dashboard.

While inside your MoxiLead dashboard;

* Under settings

* Click on Social Apps

* Click on “New Channel”

* Select “Google” from the apps “Type’

* Paste your Google Client ID and secret key”

* Locate your custom domain and save.

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